Thursday, February 19, 2009

A New Author

I am a new author :) I was so tired of being signed in and out of my email and blog because you are supposed to have one with the other, well at least it works better. I dont think it is the most efficient way to post but... O WELL! At least i will always be signed in.
We are currently having a doozy of a storm, it was labeled light flurries. I went to pick Matt up at UNB and the roads weren't great but everyone was taking their time and going slow, so that is usually better. I got to UNB and I couldnt get up the hill. I'm sitting there trying to remember everything everyone has tried to teach me ( I would name names but there are far too many.) i finally made it into the parking lot and I tild matt about 5 times how glad I was that I didnt have to drive anymore.
We had some chicken fingers and watched Madagascar 2 It was a lot of fun and good time with Matt. He was supposed to have an exam tonight but it was cancelled along with GEMS. So he is spending the night studying, he has a lot going on, so I am trying not to be disruptive. I took down the curtains and dusted them off and then everything fell of the ledge "amanda" style. Then I broke a light in the string of lights that are still above my window... yeah... I still have a garland up. I was going to put it in the closet but Matt likes it up and thinks it looks to bare without it and there really is NO room in the closet anyway, so up it stayed. Then I really nicely asked Matt with a smile and everything to lift up the staircase where I keep the spare stuff and get me something... and he did. I was so good at not distracting him.
Now I am slightly bored. I have a few cards that I should make but I like watching TV while I do that, but that would be just plain distracting. so I decided that you guys might like an update.
Other than that though, the excitement is limited to me falling asleep on the couch every night and Matt studying until he can't keep his eyes open anymore. Not very exciting, belive me, im living in it.
BUT I am happy. Matt said we could go try out our new skates tomorrow night after work, so i am pumped about that. Then Saturday I am going (while Matt studies) to a church sledding party thing then Matt and I are going out for supper in the evening. So lots of nice time for us :)
Anyway. I am talking to bec on MSN so I should go!
Lub you all!


sugarnuggets said...

Hi Amanda I sure hope you fell softly and not disruptively...I can't imagine what Amanda style might look like...maybe it will be a new Olympic event in the skiing section???
I'm glad that blogging is a quiet sport and that you have something to do during Matt's study time!! Those were the days!

Love ya, TT

Dad and Sharon said...

Hi Guys:

Just wanted to say hello. Hope all is well in your world. Dad and I were down east visiting Netta today and friends of ours and now are settled in for the night watching a moving and just enjoying the evening. Sounds like you are really studying hard Matt and I'm so glad. Know it is hard, but just remember that it will be over before you know it and it will have all paid off. Amanda, I'm glad things are going well for you and you are getting some quality time with Matt in the midst of all the studying. We are hoping to get over to see you soon. Karen will be home on Thursday and we are looking forward to having some time with her too. The count down is on for us going South. We will be leaving a month from tomorrow so we are really looking forward to that. The break will be really nice. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and let you know that we think of you often and look forward to seeing you. Take care of each other, as I know you always do:) ... Love Always, Sharon

The Nieuwhofs said...

There, finaly had time to catch up on all the latest. That was a scary drive to UNB. Hope we don't get another storm this weekend. Hope you guys will get some rest from all your digging too. Have a great weekend. Love,DAD.