Saturday, October 18, 2008

DEar Friends, Family and any Readers I may have left...
It is hard to think that this time last yeat I was writing a blog everyday letting you know how I was doing and telling you about every day. Now you are lucky if you get a five minute update. I dont know how I became so kinda creeped up on me. So far this week I am gone every evening! Matt has mid-terms this week so we wont be seeing a whole lot of each other either.
On MOnday I have a worship Commitee meeting. These meetings are quite interesting because you really get to know people in your church family, their thoughts and views and you have to decide some pretty important things together. I am on the commmitee with Annelie too. She usually cooks supper for me and drives me there and back. It is good time to spend with her since I dont get to see her nearly as much..and I get to eat some yummy food.
Tuesday II have trining for work. In New Brunswick they have a new mandatory curriculum so all the ECE's in New Brunswick have to learn how to implement this values based curriculum. It is very disorganized and I dread every meeting. We are already doing everything that this curriculum requires so the 36 hours training it really boring plus it suts into my already busy life. I have one meeting this morning and then I have to leave early to go to Jeff and Andrea's wedding. I am not supposed to leave early so I am going for an extended bathroom break, but I already ok'd it with my boss.
On wednesday I have to babysit at 8:15, so I will have time to go home after work and cook supper and either bring some to MAtt or he will come home with me. It is also Matt's birthday that day. I already got him a bike and I made a binder with dreams. Someday we are going to build a house and when MAtt thinks of something he likes we put it in the binder. It turned out really well. He already saw it because our apartment is not very large and I had to know what he wanted. hehe. I still have a movie and some Lindor chocolates for him.
Thursday I have GEMS and I am getting my eyebrows done too!
Fruday night I have to babysit and then saturday we are at church all day making apple pies for GEMS. I was asked to babysit that night too.... but i said NO! :) Instead we are going to have a big party with all our friends for both of our birthdays. Now we just have to find a place that is big enough.
SO that is my week at a glance and somehow every week ends up just like it. Matt and I still find time to sit on the courch and cuddle and enjoy each other. He cooks for himself a little more often now but he is becoming very profficient in making fried potatoes. Anyway i have to get ready to go. Registration is from 8-9 and I still have to do my hair and get Matt up to bring me. I am also hoping to convince him that a tim hortons breakfast sandwich is a good idea.
I hope you all have an awesome time until i manage to write again...just dont forget i love you..and so does matt


The Nieuwhofs said...

A Tim Horton breakfast sandwich is always a good idea. Who could argue with that?
It was nice talking to you last night. And get updated with your life. Hope Matt's mid terms go well this week. And I hope you will still be able to spend some time together. Our week will be busy too. It is a little frosty this morning , so the week is of to a slow start. Have a great week. Love,DAD

rustico3059 said...

Sounds like you have a full life, just make sure you take a bit of time for yourself now and then. Have a great week,
love MOM

sugarnuggets said...

Wow, your life sounds like mine this week! Just hang in there and plow through it one day at a time.

I love the idea of the Dreams binder!!! I have one like that full of things I love and then when it's time to go shopping for something I just let Ray pick the ones he likes and we go from there. So don't forget to add some your wish list in there too! :):)

Take care, love yas, TT

Karen Nieuwhof said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT! Love you! Have a great day!

Busy as bees, as usual. Glad you had a moment to 'chat' with us. I love to hear about your busy life.
Hope you got your morning T.H. sandwich.
Hope you have fun at GEMS and making apple pies.
Luv ya much, Tante Karen