Sunday, February 8, 2009

to those of you who wondered at my existance

I wonder how long it will take people to find this? I would have stopped checking by now. Everyone seems to have written as many as five posts in my absence so I do feel the need to catch up. I am about to leave to go see my friend Ashley in the hospital.She has ulcerative colitis, right now she is on an IV in the hospital and she is not allowed to eat anything for 7-10 days. Hopefully it will help her. She has had a rough go of it this year and your prayers would be appreciated.
Matt has been really busy studying lately. I think mid-terms are coming up and a lot of assignments are due. He is working really hard though and I think he is really staying on top of his work. So that is good. We dont get to spend a lot of time togehter. But the time we do spend together is really great.
Yesterday I went to a Ladie's day out with some of the ladies in our church and we scrapbooked the day away. I was intrduced to a variety of gadgets like the cricut... that cuts out letters, words and patterns for you. And then another thing that you put your stuff in and then you turn a knob and it puts glue on it for you... so many fun toys and gadgets. hehe. I really enjoyed it, and then we had to a "crop" we had a design a week before we went and we all had to do the same design and the prize was a package of paper. and I won... I think it was because they thought I needed the extra encouragement. haha. it was sucha good time though and I think I would go again. :)
Other than that... I can't think of anything super duper exciting to share. There is a lot of snow here like everywhere else and our car has been starting better. We got a new battery that is still not in the car since the old one has a siezed rusty bolt... so who knows if the new one will ever be in the car :)
Anway, Matt needs the computer to do some studying so i might write again sometime:) love you and thanks for reading and mostly for actually checkiong, it means a lot to know that you care.
Love MAtt and AManda


rustico3059 said...

Glad to see you updated your blog, and it did not take me too long to find it. All is well here, a few bodies were ill due to the flu last week, but all seem to have recuperated. Went to crystal palace last week with Caleb and Damaris and Tante T. and kids Had a great time.
Anyway have a great week,
Love MOM

Dad and Sharon said...

Hey...It is a cool blustery day here and not much to do outside so I am in playing on the computer and happened to check your blog. Still do from time to time. Today is our first IslanderDay holiday. It is nice to have a day off to just relax.Glad to hear Matt is keeping on top of this work load. We will be praying that midterms go well for him. Hope work is still going well for you. Love you both............Dad

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Yeah... Amanda's back. Missed you! and the little details about your life.
I have paused and said a prayer about your friend, Ashley. I hope she feels better soon. I'm sure a nice friendly visit from you will really cheer her up. :D
Congrats on winning the crop prize. How fun! I'm sure you deserved it. What's the subject of your scrapbook?
Greetings to Matt. And best wishes for finished reports, assignments, and exams that go well. Hang in there!
We love ya, Tante Karen

sugarnuggets said...

Hey...I found it!!!
How fun to hear about all your paper adventures!!! Joe and I have been having our own adventures today, mine with paper, his with a pail. I think he can sympathize with those other bodies on the Island.

Have a great week and just bake lots of yummy energy food for the study-er in your life. Love ya, TT

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back again. We missed your blogs. It was actually Grampie who found it.
Good to hear that Matt is keeping on top of his work and we hope that you are still enjoying your work.I'm sure you really deserved to win that prize. Have a good week and love to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back again. We missed your blogs. It was actually Grampie who found it.
Good to hear that Matt is keeping on top of his work and we hope that you are still enjoying your work.I'm sure you really deserved to win that prize. Have a good week and love to both of you.

The Nieuwhofs said...

wow, can you believe it? This many comments, and it is only Monday?
Guess you are not out of the loop yet. Hope your friend will feel better soon. Our bodies are only frail. May God grant her healing and patience. I'm glad Matt is working hard to keep up his studies. I'm sure he will do well. We are all proud of you guys. Hope you have a super duper week. Love you both, DAD