Sunday, September 7, 2008

busy as a beaver

Hello All,
I think I just got myself caught up on everyone's blogs. It was nice to catch up on what everyone os doing. Things here have been really crazy, Matt and I stayed home this afternoon because we were both so worn out and I have a bad cold. So we are relaxing and getting rested up.
Matt is sitting beside be desining a desk. We are getting a new computer because our laptop is starting to get a little lazy and that would never do when Matt has to study and make sure things get done. It will be nice to have a dependable way to manage my social life and keep in touch with all of you.
We speant this last weekend well. Friday evening we went to Julia vanOord's house warming party. It was a really good time, I felt a little bad that Matt was the only guy there. But a good time was had by all. In the morning we met Rudi and Amy and went to a massive yardsale. It was like 3 streets and all the connecting streets. It was so much fun and I even found a few bargains.
>I got a sandwich/pizza pocket maker and a small george forman grill I offered $5 for both and the lady accepted te deal.
>I got 10 chocolate moulds for 75c (they will be perfect for GEMS)
>I got the book "My Utmost for His Highest" for 25c
>I made a bargain with a lady for a nice truck puzzle .25c
>2 dvds for $6
We made out pretty well.
After that we met up with Amy's dad Kevin. We all went out for lunch to the Hilltop. Then we went to Rusagonis (rush-a-gorn-ish) and looked at the lots that Kevin is selling there. He is making a whole sub-division there and there are other ones going up. Matt and I are thinking about buying one of the lots there. It was a beautiful peice of land.. no extraordinary views, but there are trees and a little brook. It was perfect and I think all the houses going up will be a good daycare market too. We'll see. Thats far away yet the land wont be ready for another two years. It is so fun to dream though.
Then we went to Rudi and Amy's chalet We sat on the deck that overlooks the river on a round couch thingy. Amy and I both started reading a book while Matt and Rudi puttered around with the hot tub. Then Amy and I both fell asleep and we woke up in time to leave for biblestudy.
Then we went to church today and had lunch there afterwards because our missionarys were here for a visit. It was a really good lunch even though I didnt even talk to the Steele's. :)
This week is already looking like another busy week we are going to PEI next weekend. I am so excited. The visit is long overdue. We havent been there since Canada day. I really need to see my family.. and we actually get to see everyone when we go there. Matt's Dad made time for us on Friday and then I am having brunch with Mom and Bec and I'm going to have a good chat with Dad in there too. Caleb and Damaris will get me in the early morning while I wait for the ladies to wake up. and then I am going to Christine's wedding in the afternoon. I am excited!!!
Anyway.. Matt said this is getting really long and he is wondering who is going to read it anyway. I realize that I have lost everyday readers with my unpredictable posting... Maybe it will get better once Matt is in school full time. But he has a lot of days where he has a lot of time to study while he waits for me to finish work.
Love you all and see you soon!


The Nieuwhofs said...

You haven't lost this reader yet. Altough my blogging has been pittyfull.
I hope to get back into that later.
We are very much looking forward to this weekend as well. Always good to see you guys.
From the houseplans it definately sounds like you guys are staying in N.B. Well that is not too far away. And you won't start building until Matt is done with school. That is smart too. Anyway, I'm getting longwinded. All the best, have a great week, and see you next weekend. Love, DAD.

sugarnuggets said...

NO way baby!! I check everyday!! And yes, your dad's blogging leaves something to be desired (I desire to know what he's up to!!)
Tell Matt that long is good 8D

Glad you had a nice weekend and that you took some downtime!!

Love ya, TT

Dad and Sharon said...

Hey....we still check every now and again. Too bad that we have to be away this week-end but looking forward to Friday evening. Think we will go out to eat. You guys can pick where , since you are the guest.Maybe we will try and get to Fredricton sometime the end of the month. Would love to see the lot you are looking at. See you Friday.......Love Dad

Mary and Isaac said...

not this reader either!It's soo exciting that you guys are thinking about buying a lot. Talk about moving forward in life. First renting, grad school, and working (you)... next possibly builing your dream home while working full time (Matt).
I'm eager to hear how things work out.
Love you! And, looking forward to your call.
~ M

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Add me to the train too! :)
Summer is a hard time to blog -- so many other things to do. We'll look forward to everyone getting into a routine and posting more. It's so nice to connect with everyone and see what they're up to. Life sounds exciting for you: friends, new year at UNB for Matt, yard sale bargains (you did great), possibility of land purchase, a trip home, a wedding... We're so glad you're happy Amanda. We luv ya, Tante Karen

Anonymous said...

Hey...I still check to find out what's up with everyone...we have moved back in to town and are selling the house...all happened pretty quick but it's the right decision for all..if we would have known you were coming home we would have waited so Matt could have helped us move....again!!! Take to you both..Shelley