Friday, June 6, 2008

The slowest ship on the ocean!

I thought I would put a short post on here and give you a little update. Mostly because I don't know when I will be able to post again. I thought I would also add some pictures of my new work and the piece of the floor we painted for our "ocean" this week.
We had two ships. in our ocean one even had a sail. hehe.

This picture is taken in the back of the daycare. I really like it there and I had a really awesome day today. It was a great Friday.
Anyway, Love you all and talk to you soon.
Matt and I are going to MVOC tomorrow. It should be fun... Maybe the obsession will rub off a little and I will understand it more. Love you all!
Amanda and Matt


sugarnuggets said...

Looks like a fun place to work AND to play!!!! I hope you had fun rubbing shoulders with the VW elite of the Maritimes:):)

Love ya, TT

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Nice bright room.
Out of curiousity -- does that blue paint come off the floor?
Hope you had fun at the VW show -- you're a better woman than I. I would have sent Marten without me! hee, hee. I guess that only happens when you're married 12 years. :)
I had a chuckle over your title. You made me smile today. Love ya, Tante Karen

PS. Nicolle is sitting beside me and she just said "You know... I miss those 4 girls: Tante Tetcy, Dianna, Mary and Amanda". Just thought I'd let you know that you are being thought of. :D