Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another day!

Hello everyone!!!
As we speak I am on my break and working with my not so little friend "woodstock" who is my computer for those of you who may not remember.
Things are going really well. Matt is in Bathurst until thursday evening at 5. He finished his route around Fredericton and got all the culverts checked. Now all the teams swtich routes and make sure everything was done correctly. matt asked for the other side of Fredericton, but instead he got Bathurst.. :( we'll live though. He will be home by thursday evening every week. So it is manageable. I am busy every night while he is gone, hanging out with friends mostly. So that is fun and I'm not alone either.
other than that work is going fantastic and I couldnt be happier!!! I will write again soon but I am finished of my break so i should head out. Lub you all!!


Karen Nieuwhof said...

Hi Woodstock and friend. :) Glad you are coping without hubby. Marten was gone for Friday night and I didn't get to sleep until 2am. Guess I missed the snoring beside me. :P
Bet your having a lot of fun outside with the kids on these nice days. Enjoy!
Love ya, Tante Karen

The Nieuwhofs said...

So does Matt have Friday's off then?
Glad you are enjoying everything. The weather is pretty hot here. But we can't complain, summer is short enough as it is.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Love, DAD

Mary and Isaac said...

Hey Man. We just got back from our trip. I may call tomorrow evening - depending on if Isaac takes me out to see Wall-E or not. We had a god time and I'm working on a slide show as we speak. There's nothing like coming home to your own bed though. :)
Hope you're doing well. Love, ~ M

Dad and Sharon said...

How many weeks does Matt have to go to Bathurst,the rest of the summer or is it just a few weeks. How is he couping without his VW for the whole week. Bet that is not all he is missing eather. Hope you get to relax and enjoy each others company on the week-end. Love you both...........Dad