Monday, April 7, 2008

hey all,
I thought I would take a few minutes to write a really quick note between folding laundry and cleaning up.
I had a pretty good day at work. My highlight was changing diapers. The babies just started fake laughing which made them laugh until we were all laughing our heads off. Then I thought... I LOVE my job. It is moments like that, that make my life worth it. I love it!
Matt picked me up from work and we went strait home for supper and now matt is back in town to study with a group. I am so happy to be home instead of sitting on a hard library chair, able to get things done here. its nice.
Plus I need to practice being home alone when Matt has to go on his overnight trips for work. So far Im handling it extremly well... hehe.
He writes his first exam on saturday at 9:00 and then another one at 7:00 in the evening and they are both his hardest exams. So a lot of prayer on that day would be very much appreciated.
Other than a lot of studying this week there isnt too much else going on. Thanks for reading and thanks especially for the comments.
Love you all a lot and thanks so much for the support. It is greatly appreciated and needed. Love you!
Amanda and Matt


sugarnuggets said...

How fun to have an evening at home! I think I have a day at home on Wednesday, it'll be nice.

Blessings and strength and clarity of mind and stamina for your writing hand Matt!

PS You'll get lots of scrapbooking done this summer....I predict

Love ya, TT

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Your story about the babies laughing reminded me of a video I saw. I just emailed it to you. So cute!
Exams on a saturday is a new concept for me. I don't think I've ever heard of that. What a way to ruin a weekend. It'll make Sunday that much nicer to spend, knowing the worry of those two hard exams are over. Good luck Matt!
Love to both, Tante Karen

The Nieuwhofs said...

I tried to leave a comment last night, but it wouldn't publish.
Hope it works tonight. So you're having a stab at the singles life?
Hope you got to relax a little. We will pray for Matt this week. And hope that all goes well on Saturday.
That story about the babies was funny. It reminded me of all you guys when you were small. Sometimes you couldn't remember who started it. Have a great week guys. Love, DAD