Friday, April 11, 2008

People Watching in the Library!

I thought about a title for about two seconds and decided that I just don't have the energy to attempt at creativity. So I will update you with my life in a concise manner and will not be diving into every little thing and over describing it... as I have just done.
We are now in the heart of exam season and I am spending the first night in the library. That has to be a record. I spent the first couple of hours in a relatively comfy library chair in a secluded corner. I enjoyed it but I started to get warm and sleepy so I went back to Matt and convinced him to get me out a computer on loan. So I have an hour with this thing and then I am done whether I like it or not. I did try and take out the computer myself with Matt's card, but they said I was too beautiful to pass for Matt. Apparently it was the kind of beauty that doesnt get a computer... so Matt had to come.
This week really flew by. I just find it so hard to believe that it is Friday night. I am sitting here feeling sleepy and wondering how I am going to make it at work tomorrow.... then I feel happy when I realize it is Friday. I am going into town tomorrow with Matt early in the morning so that I can have the car. I have a nice date lined up with Jefta and Steph at the Farmer's Market. I am so looking forward to spending time together and I am also hoping that they might want to go shopping with me. I had a whole bunch of things that I wanted to buy, but as I am writing this I cant even remember what I was going to buy. haha. The time together will be enjoyable regardless.
Daycare went pretty well this week. We had quite a few kids out with fever and vomiting. So it was a slow but busy week trying to get outside and enjoy the warm weather but trying to trade wet clothes for dry between outside times. Then trying to eat and get them to sleep in between.
I got to work this morning and my usually rambunctious boy was quite subdued listening to a story on the couch. We sat him down for snack and I was CONVINCED that he was sick. He drank his juice and tried to eat his cracker, but as soon as he did... BLAH all over the floor. I cleaned him and the floor up, but the poor kid was crying and shaking and turned so white. poor little one. We sent him strait home only less than an hour after he got there. Home was a good place for him today.
Other than that things are going really well. Matt has been studying really hard so while we see eachother his mond is filled with formulas and other engineering stuff. He still finds a little bit of time for his custom obsession browsing and I am glad that he can sit and do that and relase some of the pressure for 15 minutes.
Anyway. I think I have shared everything...
Matt's exams
9:00 AM
7:00 PM

Next Thursday

Next Friday

and then the last one is on April 22. Prayers for these times would be greatly appreciated. I love you all very much. Thanks for your constant prayer support and comments. I do share the comments with matt and I make sure that he knows how much you all care. Love you!
Love Amanda and Matt


The Nieuwhofs said...

Just wondering how the exams went today. Hope all went well.
Hope you didn't get sick from all the kids this week Amanda. Did you have fun shopping?
It was snowing here today, and the landscape changed from mud to snow again. It was wet snow, and should be gone again by sometime tomorrow.
Hope your week goes well.

Dianna said...

well that was very nice and entertaining manda.. I am waiting for my nails to dry.. so I had to do something that didnt involve holding something or getting ready for i read your blog, always an enjoyable read I might add! Let Matt know we are thinking about him and praying for him...and you too ofcourse! I miss you alot! Talk to you soon! Love Dianna

Dad and Sharon said...

Hope all went well with the exams on Saturday. We were thinking of you and praying for you Matt. Hope the shopping went well also Amanda and you remembered what you wanted to buy :).Good luck on Thursday and Friday Matt, our prayers will be with you. Hope you both have a great week.............Love Dad

sugarnuggets said...

BLAH...all over the floor. I love it! I can just picture it, all that's missing is the smell....although I can really do without that.
Love your stories about work! Hope you had fun shopping.... shopping is always fun with girlfriends (you have to say that in your best Cassie voice!)
Hope the exams went well and that your are enjoying having the end in sight!!

Love to you both, TT

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Hi, it's me! I haven't been on in awhile and I had some reading to catch up on. I always love to read your blog, Amanda.
By now, Matt has finished Saturday's and today's exams. Yay, 3 more down. 2 to go? Good luck! You're doing great.
I laughed at the story about you not passing for Matt to get a computer. I agree -- you are just beautiful.
Tomorrow's friday. I'm so glad. Hope you have a good one.
Love,Tante Karen