Monday, June 22, 2009

rain rain go away...

I sure do not love this dreary weather. It just makes me feel so sleepy. Things are a little slow here at work today. Quite a few kids didnt come beause of holiday or sickness... so it has been a nice slow day. I don't really have any news to share... we had a nice quiet weekend.
We went to see Audio Adreneline last night at a local church and it was SO good. It was really uplifting and encouraging to go to and we definitley enjoyed ourselves. We went with Rudi and Amy and they come over afterwards for some fresh cinnamon rolls and potato salad. :)
good times were had by all.
On another note.. my planter has been doing really well again this year and I am planning on posting some pictures soon.
That is all I have to say for now... I just didnt want too much time to go by until I posted again.
Love ya!


sugarnuggets said...

How cool!! We saw them a couple of years ago. Good times.

Glad you had a low key kind of day!!

Love ya, TT

csvan said...

I thought Audio A had retired....

The Nieuwhofs said...

Nice that your were able to take that concert in. And as fae as the slow day goes? Sometimes you just need that kind of a day. Hope the rest of your week goes well too. Cya next week.
Love DAD.

rustico3059 said...

I kind of feel the same way. This afternoon the sun was actually out, and I thought I should go outside and do some weeding. That lasted about 5 minutes, the mosquitos chased me back inside.
Have a great week,
Love MOM

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Arghhhhh.. I SOOOOO agree with Elisabeth! Hard to get outside this week with all the wetness and fog and cold. Next week!
My goodness Amanda, you are always doing something. I've never heard of Audio Adreneline (but then again... I'm old. hee, hee). And warm cinnamon rolls and potato salad... mmmmmmmmm! Oh -- now I want some! :D
Can't wait to see your flower photos. You can get a glimpse of mine on blog/facebook with Nicolle's Grade 7 dance photos. Check them out. I'm so proud of her.
... and you! Love you! Tante Karen