Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Three more Sleeps...

... Until our weekend away. It starts off in Moncton where we will attend the car show all day. I was planning to go shopping with my girl friends while the guys went to the show. But some things came up in their lives and they aren't able to come anymore. It is ok though, I asked Matt if we could leave the show a little early so we could still catch the mall in Halifax. I would rather shop there anyway. Plus Pete will be at the show. I miss him and whenever I am in PEI he is always busy with his friends, so now I can force my company on him at the show... hehe. He has no clue... muahahaha.
Then we are spending the night in the delta on the sixth floor overlooking the harbour so Matt can get some sweet shots with the camera. :). Then we will sleep in, relax and get ready for the cirque du soliel. I am really pumped to really spend some quality time with Matt. And when the show is over we are going to Freddy and trying to catch night church. The sermon is about the origins of the Bible, We both think that sounds intriguing.
I am hoping that I am not sick for this special weekend.. . so far we have sent three kids home puking this week, not to mention the poor little guy who barely caught me on Sunday. Poor kids... its always sad when they are sick.
Anyway... I need to get back to work. Hope you have a day that is great. Love yoU!


The Nieuwhofs said...

A weekend away? Wow, how exciting. I wish you guys a very funfilled weekend. And hope that you may get some shopping in too yet.
Moncton AND Halifax in one weekend. Have fun guys. Love DAD.

rustico3059 said...

I really hope you do not get sick.
T hope you have a great weekend, and get to spend some nice time together.
Love MOM