Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday WOW!

It is already Wednesday! I say that like my week is going fast...but really it is not! What a slow week and work has been alright but a little more frustrating than usual. Las tnight Matt and I got one more present that we kinda forgot about and we got our present for each other since we are going to exchange before we go to PEI. I couldnt find ANYTHING for that guy. So I will be going again after work today, He even tried to help me at the end and we still couldnt find anything. The plus side is that he took me out for supper to Mikes. I didnt even have to cook when I got home, that was really nice!
Other than that, I am sitting here and I really should be getting ready for work and I am driving myself today SO I have to drive slow and I wanted to pick up the pictures from Wal-Mart. I dont even know if the photo place is open but Wal-Mart is open 24hrs during the week, which I think is alittle ridiculous, I would really like to go there at 3:00 in the morning and see how much money they are losing. They would have to have quite a few staff just to be there in their little stations. haha... anyway that is Wal_marts loss.
Anyway I really should get going. I hope you guys have an awesome day. I just wanted to touch base with you guys because I am not quite sure when I will be posting again! It's quite busy around here and I can only imagine that you are all hustling and bustling to get ready for the coming week. Dont forget to go grocery shopping early... you really dont want to stand in a reallly long line up with a cart of groceries or find that they dont even have any cranberry sauce left. As you can also tell I am really procrastinaing today.
It is really cold out too... going to be -25. yep..cold. Hopefully that means an inside day at daycare. Although it is quite cold inside too so I am wearing my tights under my jeans and I am also wearin my hot chilly socks... so I am prepared, thank goodness for thermal socks!
Alright I am really leaving. I may post again soon and then again... I might not! So Merry Christmas and love you all!
Love Amanda and snoozy Matt (but he deserves a good sleep in day) LOVE YA!

PS Matt is really happy with how all the exams went.... ALLL! yipeeeeeeeeeeee!


Karen Nieuwhof said...

Yes, already Wednesday! Yikes, I haven't commented for ages.
Congrats Matt on finishing your exams. Bet ya did GREAT! Must be nice not to study. And it must be nice to be husband and wife again. :) hehe
The weather forcast sounds fine for Friday, so happy traveling. You'll be home real soon. :D
Love you, Tante Karen

The Nieuwhofs said...

Hope you had a good week. Hey Matt, you must be happy to be done. Did you get much skiing in this week?
And Amanda, did you have a fun Christmas party with the kids?
Hope to see you soon. Will you be stopping in to say hi on Saturday or so?
Love, DAD