Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wonderful Christmas Time!


Karen Nieuwhof said...

So AWESOME! I just loved seeing all those pictures. Gives me warm fuzzies. What a beautiful family you all are! I have the family photo on my fridge and everyone that comes to visit comments on it. :) "What pretty girls and cute guys" "What a big family" "How did they get a group that big to all smile at once?" "Who's baby?" ...
Love the picture of Matt and the pink fuzzy pencil. :) You're a good sport, Matt. Did I do good, Tetcy?
Good memories Amanda. Love you, Tante Karen

The Nieuwhofs said...

Beautiful slideshow Amanda. I'm just getting back into things here.
Love, DAD

rustico3059 said...

Love the slide show,and pictures are great. Who needs a professionalphotographer anyway.
Love MOM