Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My "nutritious" Evening

It is wednesday...can you believe it!? I am glad to finally be home for an evening though. I just finished making spaghetti and Matt and I did the dishes together. I thought i would spend a few minutes sitting here and giving you a little update on what is going on.... pretty much nothing.

haha. I do have to tell you about the nutrition course I went to last night.

Denise and I were both going to go. So she called me at 6:30 at home while I was making supper and told me she was there and she was going to sit in her car and eat her supper. After she told me how to get there I told her to save me a seat and I would meet her there. So Matt and I leave at seven to gove us a lot of time to get there. When we got there she wasnt there, I reached for my phone to give her a quick call and remembered that I had left it on the kitchen counter... oops. Well... Denise didnt come and she didnt come. So I used the phone at the community center and called her Mom to get her cell phone number. She was across the street and couldnt figure out where the course was (The people had given us the wrong street address). So I hung up with her and tripped over the phone cord and sent the phone flying onto the floor (oh..did I mention that the phone was in the front of the room. Dont worry only like 50 people saw the whole thing happen) I quickly ran and picked up the phone looked at everyone, smiled and said "oops". Then I sat down and it started to get normal.... or so I thought.

I got to make cookies first. They separated Denise and I which is too bad because otherwise our cookies would have tasted better. Our cookies had the following ingredients (ill even include the recipe..aren't I SO nice?)
SUNFLOWER COOKIES (yeah...i know)
1/2 c. margerine
1/2c brown sugar
1/2c white sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp hot water
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 LARGE flake oats
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 raisins
1/3 natural wheat bran
1/3 cup wheat germ (Matt didnt think that you should ever put germs in food)
1 tsp of salt

So I have to say I had one of these cookies and they actually werent too bad... but I would prefer to call them health circles. then I went on to make pizza. YOU GUESSED IT! it wasnt normal. So I sat across from the nursing student and the nursing professor. So we had three choices for the sauce 1. PREGO (not recommended since it had quite a bit of sodium.) 2.Tomato Sauce 3.Tomato Paste. I obviously chose option #1. I looked right at the two fine gentlemen across the table as a took a large spoonful of PREGO and said "someone's gotta eat it". I continued to pile spinach, shredded carrots, unsalted (likely fat free) hamburger, skim cheese and pizza spices onto my whole wheat pita. YUM...not really. Who would REALLY eat this??? Guess what though... the nursing student put prego on his second pita pizza. LOL!!! I also listened as they raved about how great a 3am snack this would be. oh puhleeeease! Denise and I nicely packed up our goodies to feed the daycare kids.
I know I know... you are feeling pity for those poor poor children. ou know whaat? They loved it!! most of them had seconds and wanted thirds. I even tried a piece... and it was actually quite good. I even liked the carrots. I think it really was the prego that made it. hehe
I know this is turning out to be really long but I thought you might enjoy the tale. I sure did. Denise and I talked about it all day. haha. hope your day was as good as mine.
Love Amanda and Matt

PS Matt is doing well by the way. He is currently studying. He also ordered new windsheild wipers for the car today and saved 20 cents off our cell phone bill. yay! Love you all!


The Nieuwhofs said...

Well, that was quite a story. Glad you had the experience. And yes, I was thinking, those poor kids.
It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun though. Was it also a contest, to see who could put the must ingredients into their cookies and pizza?
Oh, way to go, saving money on your cellphone plan. You're a real penny pincher now. Nice talking to you tonight.
Love, DAD.

Dianna said... had me giggling the whole way! I loved that,I think that it would be waaay funny if you were telling me in person with some of those hilarious exagerated facial expressions you like to use once in a while. I wish I was there, it would have been a hoot and a half! Loved every minute of it! Love Dianna

Dad and Sharon said...

Just wondering if Matt tired any of the cookies or pizza??? Sounds like they were more fun to make then eat. Maybe you could make some for Matt to take to Crabbe for all his ski buddies:).Have a good week.........Love Dad

Tineke Aaron and Cassie said...

sounds like a fun time. very funny, i can soooo picture you too, you're such a funny girl :)
hey have a great week. luv ya.
Tante tineke and kids

Anonymous said...

Wow, You sure put a lot of ingredients into those cookies Amanda, but I am glad that the kids enjoyed them. Sounds as though you are having lots of fun there. Glad that Matt is doing well. Grampy says to say hello!
Enjoy your weekend, Love, Nanny

Karen Nieuwhof said...

What a night you had... but of course, being Amanda, you had lots of fun and giggles. I bet you made everyone there smile. And boy did they need it. Ewwww. Sunflower and wheat germ cookies? Is that law? and spinach and carrots on pizza. Yuck!

I agree with all the comments.
Thanks for the funny story. Love ya, Tante Karen

sugarnuggets said...

I can just picture your little OOPS. I see that story writing is hereditary in your family.

What fun!! Joe LOVES Pita Pizza's. I think we will make them on his birthday. He is going to loooooooove that idea! Thanks for the great idea. I'm not going to bother with the spinach, although I LOVE that on my pizza. Sauce and cheese will be all they need. We usually use cheddar when's sooo good on pizza too.
We're celebrating next wednesday after school! Pary on dudes...
love ya, TT