Sunday, October 28, 2007

Im going to explode!

I am sitting here on the couch and I do belive I am going to explode. Last night we had a good time at Biblestudy, Barret came too so that was a lot of fun. We talked about how free grace is and what God expects from us in order to recive His grace... It is so overwhelming to be reminded that our price for Grace and eternal live is our love and belief. So that was fun. And then we played a fun acting Game. we had a lot of fun.
We got to church on time this morning and as we were walking out of church Aarons grandfather Opa Versloot asked me if I thought it was Soup, Meatball or horseshoe weather. I told him all three sounded fine and then he said Good! Come over and invite all your friends. I invited Aaron, but he couldnt come. All my other friends could though. It was a lot of fun we talked and laughed with all the people there and ate and ate and ate, which brings me to the part where I am exploding.
Matt is reading the rules to risk for me right now so I should go play with him otherwise I will have no idea what is going on. I loved all your comments and I actually did get all my list done yesterday. I couldnt find a toothfairy costume so I am going to be a nurse in scrubs instead. haha. It should be fun! Ill try to remember to take a picture for you and post it. Also, sadly Matt did not sell his ski boots... maybe next year. And one more week and I will be in PEI. I love you all and dont forget to comment!
Love Always,
Matt and Amanda


The Nieuwhofs said...

We had turnip stampot today, mmmmm.
Didn't quite eat as much as you did. I don't like that bloated feeling too much. Too bad about Matt's skiboots, but maybe you will need them for somebody this winter. God works in wondrous ways.
Have fun with your nurse costume.
And enjoy your week. Love, DAD

Dianna said...

Phew... I finally got caught up! You sound as busy as a bee. JOrdan is leaving on friday for a bit, so I think we got most of our shopping done for chrstimas yesterday. target is just the best place ever. they have everything! I will call you later! I have lots to chat about. Things you will be interested to hear about! XX's and OO's Love Dianna

Karen Nieuwhof said...

You always have the most fun.
I used to play Risk with a bunch of friends. It's been awhile but I remember enjoying it. Did you like it Amanda?
Just a quick note. I've had the flu since Friday and my energy is not quite there yet.
Just wanted to say love to both, Tante Karen