Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Today was another great day. Through the day it isnt always a blast but by the time I get home I think about the good things. I cleaning the daycare bathroom today and one of the little girls came up to me and said "manda i luvs you" I could just imagine a little smiley facce being drawn on my heart. I can't even explain how great it feels. I can only imagine how much my heart will fill for my own children. :D just not yet, hehe.
Today was good! I have no real reason to be, but I am. I am so blessed. it reminds me of SERVE when they said and God is good all the time and all the time God is good. He is giving me challenges with kids lately, but those challenges are so rewarding and every earned hug and smile is worth so much more then. I love it.
I cam home from work and make pizza for supper (homeade) and cookies for the week, I am going to take some to work tomorrow. My bosses son really likes my cookies and I think it would be nice to spread some cheer. My boss is due to have her baby any time now and her uncle died and she has t miss the funeral. So that it hard for her. So i am bringing cookies to cheer up everyone and who doesnt love a oatmeal chocolate chip cookie... right Dad (Matt's) ? We'll see how it goes.
Matt and I went for a nice walk after supper. He wasn't thrilled about it. But I needed to get some exercise, I do get a lot at work but it is nice to just walk and it is s nice outside and the leaves are such a beautiful colour right now.
Then I called Dianna for her birthday.. it was nice to talk to her for a few minutes we are planning a better chat for tomorrow night since she was going out for a big dinner date with the family. So now MAtt and I are watching bones and this is where I leave you behind. So have a good night and you bettter believe that I am excited to see most of you on the weekend. love you all,


Karen Nieuwhof said...

I just LOVE your attitude Amanda. Nothing seems to get you down. I need to take a few lessons from you. What a happy person you are. Love that! Tante Karen
See ya soon.

PS Homemade pizza AND cookies. Yum!

The Nieuwhofs said...

We had a good day too, dug 38 loads of Yukon Gold. That should feed us this winter! Haha.
The leaves are changing color here too, it looks really beautiful.
Nothing like homemade cookies and pizza. Mmmmmmmmm...........
Love, DAD

Dianna said...

Well Man, as you can see I ma on the computer a little more now, and am planning to update my blog right after I finish this comment to you, if all goes well and if my little sunbeam stays asleep for a bit..just enought to blog. Ill call you whenever I get home from EG. I hope it wpnt be too late! Love you lots! Dianna Oh and thanks for that sweet adorable email! Hugs and Kisses for you Tante Manda, Love Micaiah XOXO