Monday, September 17, 2007

Another Great Day!

Today was a great day. Work was great and the kids listened pretty well for a Monday. Matt is laying on the couch right now with a bad cold and I am babying him. I made him rice and tea for supper and made him lay on the couch while I did the dishes. It is kinda fun..
Now we are watching a movie together and planning on going to bed early.
We got a vacuum cleaner for our rug, we actually got a shop vac so that Matt can clean the car with it too. It doesnt work super well for my rug, but I think I can make it work. We dont have any space for an official vacuum and otherwise I can always get a swiffer carpet flick for the rug.
Other than that there isnt too much news to tell. I am going to keep it short and sweet for today. I hope you all have a great day
Love Amanda

1 comment:

The Nieuwhofs said...

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet. I guess we're just having too much fun. Packing a lot in every day. We are planning to visit you on Friday and part of Saturday, then try to be home by six.
We have no internet at the hotel.
So we have to do that at Mary's.
Love DAD.