Sunday, September 16, 2007

Great DAy!

Dear Faithful readers who don't mind reading about my day. I love you!! Today was such a great day! I woke up late and started doing my hair. Unfortunately Matt had just taken a shower and the mirror was all steamy (don't you just hate that?) Anyway, no big problem, I go out my blow dryer so that I could see in the mirror. While I was doing that I was curling my hair and then as I turned on the blowdryer it suddenly started eating my hair... it was a little scary but such an Amanda thing to happen. Don't worry though, I only lost like 10 strands of my hair. My blow dryer on the other hand was not working so well so matt made a little hole in the vent and pulled out the hair, so its all good!
After all that we still made it to church on time. The people there are so nice and extremely welcoming. We went to our friends uncle's birthday party after church and ate a lot of food and right after that we went to his Opa and Oma's house for lunch. It was so yummy!! We had Vegetable soup and buns with meat and cheese and meatballs, there was so much food for one day, and they were such kind and generous people. I feel like such a part of the church family here and the people our age are so quick to invite us along and make sure that we feel a part of everything. It's nice. Tonight we are going to play cards at another couple from our churches house. It should be a lot of fun.
Other than that there isnt a lot to tell. I had such a nice day. Thanks for all the comments!
I love you all


Tineke Aaron and Cassie said...

hey amanda, hope you have fun at your card game!
It's nice when ppl at your new church invite you over and make you feel welcome.
Sounds like you have some family and friends near by too, that always helps.
take care, and have a fun week at work.
Love Tante Tineke

Mary and Isaac said...

Hey Man!
We may go to IKEA this afternoon, though that's not definite. Mom & Dad (and the other 3) are aiming to arrive here around 3. We'll have coffee then discuss what we'll do.
If IKEA does happen, it'll only be a scouting mission for me - that means that if I find something that will work in our apartment, Isaac and I will go to IKEA again before too long to decide on what to purchase. Just email me the IKEA list or something.
I'm glad you had such a nice day yesterday! Have a good day at work.
Love you!
~ Mary

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Hi there! It's been great getting caught up on all your news through this blog. You sound very happy and settled in. I'm so glad. We miss you around here. It makes it easier to know your busy and happy and it's wonderful that you found a good church.

Your apartment looks nice. Good luck with the vacuuming.

Tip for steamed up mirrors: Spray it with shaving lotion then wipe it clean. Next time it's steamy in the bathroom, the mirror shouldn't fog up. Give it a try.

Love ya, Tante Karen