Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another Sucessful Day!

We did so much today!!! We got up early and went to UNB to pick up Matt's student loan. Don;t kid yourself in thinking that it was that easy!!! First we had to find the place. We started at the bottom of the hill where the engineering building is and tried to find our way. There were no signs or anything. We finally found the building when we got to the very top of the hill. YES! I did get my exercise today! Once there it was just a matter of a line up and we got our stuff.
After that we went and tried to talk to a Professor
of Matt's, but he was unavailable for comment. So we will

try again tomorrow. Matt was trying to register for a course but they said he didn't have the prerequisite for it. It turns out Matt did have all the courses but they haven't transferred yet, so Matt just has to talk to the right person.
After that we got our cell phones. It was so exciting. I took pictures with it (notice the nice picture of Matt's Potrack) and put them on my computer and now they are on facebook.
Here is a link. It is easier than doing it on here, I can only fit six and then I have to pick which ones.. : D.
That was a lot of fun. Then we picked up Jefta and went Shopping at Canadian Tire... we needed a coat rack and I had a gift certificate!!! :) we also found a really nice rug hanging up there. So we told them we wanted to buy it. Apparently they had 3 in stock but they couldn't find any and I absolutely couldn't convince them to sell me the one hanging up. I was SO mad!!! Matt even asked what if it "fell" down, But it was for display and they couldn't sell it since their last shipment of rugs hadn't come for three months so they needed to keep it in case they didn't get any for another three months. How lame is that?? Does that even make SENSE?? no! Anyway... we'll find another one, and it wont be from Canadian tire!!!!
When we came home we played with and set up our cool new cell phones. Then our landlord's (Dave and crystal) daughter Amanda came to get us for supper. We had BBQ'ed chicken, corn on the cob, fresh beans, and basmati rice. It was delicious!! We had such a nice evening with them. Unfortunately I missed Dianna's call though, that was a little sad because I was so looking forward to it. It was all good though, they are great people and I don't think Matt and I will have any trouble getting along with them.
Anyway, I'm sure you didn't plan to sit down and read a novel! I love you all and please don't forget to comment.... I love those things. I checked this morning and I felt like it was my birthday. I got all giggly and excited. See what power you have!! I love you all and miss you lots but I am happy and I know that Matt is too. Have a super day and I'll probably write again tomorrow.
Love Always,
Amanda and Matt too


rustico3059 said...

Cool pot rack indeed.
Sounds like you are getting a lot of things done.
Have a great evening and a nice few days off.
Love MOM

The Nieuwhofs said...

Well, it almost was a novel. But a nice one. One that you just can't put down.
Sounds like it is back to the university tomorrow.
Are your landlords going to be there next Sunday? Glad to see that you are getting along well with them.
That is worth a lot.
TTYL, love, DAD

Dianna said...

One of my things that I do every morning is sit infront of the computer with my breakfeast, occasionally a nice steamy cup of tea and read all the new updated blogs, and facebooks and emails. I think its great! Your apartment looks good too, the kitchen anyways. My next stop will be your profile page on facebook to check out your crib! Love you lots and Ill try to call again tonight! Love and Miss you! Dianna

Chelsea Gallant said...

Hey Amanda!

Glad to hear the moving-in has been successful! Stupid Canadian Tire, though! Seriously! You needed to make that rug "fall down"! ;) Hope you find one that's just as nice! Have a great week!

Chelsea :)