Monday, September 10, 2007

First Day of Work!

Hey All,
We had such a nice visit with Mary last night. We heard all about her cool dig at louisburg. She even got to dig up bodies and bag them and stuff. It sounded pretty neat. She also had some cool pictures.
This morning we got going at 7. Matt made lunches and I got myself ready, Im really enjoying the deal where he makes lunches and I cook supper. It gives me time to get my things together and get ready while he makes my lunch. Plus I love to cook supper! Matt made french fries and chicken strips for supper. It was yummy.
Matt was at school by eight so that ended me up at work at 8:15 to start my 9:00 shift. Good thing I already fore warned my boss that this was going to be happening. I was really nervous going into my first day, because the reality is that I am going to be here for three years, so the need is greater to love my job. This daycare has 14 full time kids and I already know all their names. And after a long day, I think I really like it there. It felt really wierd leaving before all the kids were gone. I am so not used to that. I felt a little guilty :D hehe. The daycare is really nice. It is a licenced center, but it is a lot smaller than a lot of daycares, I do like the homey feel of the way that everything works. The backyard they have is so nice and the kids have a lot of room to move and play. The kids here are a lot younger than I am used to, so I have to get in the toddler talk translate mode. I think it will only take a few weeks to get that back though.
I know this post is really all over the place, but that is how I am feeling right now. I am so tired, after a week or so I should be all used to it though.
Matt had a good day in school, I don't think there is much more that I can add about his day because he is not as excited about all the things that I am. haha. Well, I have some laundry to fold up and another load in the dryer.
I hope you have a really great week. Thanks so much for the comments guys.
Love Amanda


Unknown said...

That daycare is one lucky place to have you! Good luck with the toddler talk. I'm sure you'll do great. I told Kamryn and Kaitlyn about Dianna having the baby and Kamryn was wanting to see a picture. Do you think I could get one of those off your facebook? She misses you but I promised her that we'd see you when you come home at Christmas!

sugarnuggets said...

Sounds like a fun place! I was at Little Lambs this morning and it was such fun.

It's neat when you can understand someone else's baby talk! It takes a very special bond to be able to do the translating...and before you know it Matt will be telling you "what was that again...." so just leave the babble at work baby!

Hope your whole week is meetings here tonight but we do have one tomorrow night and thursday night...a date of friday night with our friends the Verkleys, a Blue Jays game on Saturday and hopefully I get the church cleaned up in time for Sunday!! Party On!!

Talk to you soon, Love TT

Dad and Sharon said...

Sounds like a nice daycare. Pretty impressive learning all the names the first day, but do you have all the names matched to the right kids??Not sure what happened but we sent you a comment last night too but it doesn't seemed to have gotten there. So we will try this again. Sharon was wondering what was up with one doing lunches and one doing supper?? Knew I shouldn't of let her read that. Hey ...I did help do the dishes tonight and come to think of it, I did cook supper last night too and we even had company. Glad things are going well, hope Matt is back in the studying mode. Love you both......Dad and Sharon