Saturday, September 15, 2007

ok ok... Only one day late :)

Dear Friends and Family,
I meant to write my blog yesterday, but this week Matt has been a little neglected, I usually come home from work tired and... a little cranky. So I made some supper and we had family night and watched a movie. :D Mostly we don't have the TV on while we eat so that we talk more and I don't want that to become a routine at all. So far we have been doing really well, I can't wait to get out Kitchen Table though, I think it will be a lot easier. Especially to get up and wash the dishes. The couch is awfully comfortable after you have just eaten a warm meal.
Matt and I met Jefta and Tyler at the farmers market this morning and we got some tomatoes, green peppers, eggs and sausages. Yumm! We did a whole little tour of the jam packed market and then we went grocery shopping. We did pretty well on not spending too much (we even got, cake, ice cream and chips hehe) But I made a menu for two weeks, so I think that will work out a little better.
Now I am just taking a break from cleaning the house, after I am going to bake some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. When they are done I prepackage two cookies in cling wrap and put them in the freezer, by 12:00 for dessert they are SO yummy!! I made a half batch last week, but I think we can handle a full batch of cookies.
That is pretty much the excitement of today and yesterday, you haven't really missed anything, you may have gotten less of the mundane details.
Tonight Matt and I are going out for dinner with Jefta and Tyler. I am looking forward to that a lot. Matt is looking in the Phone Book (we finally got one, what a relief) for a nice pub where we can eat, he likes the atmosphere of those places, I do too. But Matt cares more about details than I do. It is a really great quality that I often appreciate, like when my mirror is hanging on the wall strait because he took the time to actually properly measure it. haha. Clothes shopping is another matter though, I can hardly stand to go with him because it is so hard for him to find something he likes. I am not one of those women who buys all the clothes for their husband and they don't care what it is as long as it is practical. He found a sweater that he did like yesterday, so that was really good.
alright, this is going to be it for today and I should be able to post again tomorrow afternoon. I love you all and I really hope that you have a great weekend.
Love Always
Matt and Amanda


sugarnuggets said...

Just wanted you to know that the mundane details are actually really interesting. It makes my life seem equally exciting!!!

Hope you have a great day today!

Love ya , TT

Mary and Isaac said...

hahaha I love you guys!
IKEA was a maybe for yesterday's errand run, but it didn't happen - no surprise there.
Mom mentioned something about going while they're here, but I'm not sure we'll have time for that either :P
Anyway, give me a list, and I'll have a look and see what I can do. Did you check out shipping rates if you buy online?
Love you,
~ Mary