Saturday, September 22, 2007

I can never think of a good title!

I am sitting here on Saturday morning, Mom, Dad, Caleb and Damaris are at the hotel and Rebecca is sleeping on the couch, well actually I think that she is waking up. I suppose the sound of typing would be a really annoying noise to listen to. But o well. It is 8:45 and way past time for people to get up. I can not sleep in, at times I find this to be really annoying especially when it is the weekend and you are ready to go at 7:30. Matt gets really annoyed too. hehe.
It was so nice to see Mom and Dad and It was fun sharing little place and showing it off, which by the way, has become a new hobby. I am not sure what we are doing for breakfast, but I am either cooking something (pancakes and cinnamon rolls was my decision) or they are taking us out. That I wouldnt mind, but my other sisters fed them and I wouldn't want to look bad. I always have been more of a mooch than anyone else. :)
Other than that I am not sure what we are doing today, Mom made mention that some of our walls were bare and that we could use some more decorations. Maybe she will help me solve that problem today! I hope so.
Anyway, within the space of five minutes both Matt and Rebecca are up and moving. Haha, mybe typing IS annoying. Rebecca is headed for the shower and Matt is going to find some cartoons to watch. So that is all for today and I will write again either Monday or sunday. I love you all and I hope that you have a fantastic day!
Love Amanda
PS Dont forget to comment!


sugarnuggets said...

As if we would forget to comment!! How great to have everyone over to see your place. Sure is nice to have everyone's feet under the same table for a spell. It's just the connection you have with family that has no substitute.

Enjoy eh! love ya, TT

PS Hope the bare problem got solved!! Homesense and Winners are GREAT for that...and don't forget to treat yourself to worlds greatest towels!!! That's MY kind of everyday treat!!!

rustico3059 said...

We are finally home, great to be back, even though there is a mountain of mail, and another mountain of laundry.
Oh, the joys of home.
It was great to see where you guys live, and now am able to visualize you in yourkitchen.
Have a great and relaxing weekend,
Love MOM