Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Middle of the Week!

Hello All,

Today was a great day, I dropped Matt off at school around 8 and then went downtown to drop off my health card application. I figure that since I am becoming a New Brunswick resident then I should do it the right way and go the whole nine yards. Thankfully I found the right spot, got disoriented a lot and then made it to work twenty minutes early. And no, I didn't speed. Although I figured out that the speed limit to my work is 60kmph when origianllt I thought that it was 90kmh. Haha, at least a kind police officer didn't have to mention that fact while he was writing me a ticket.

Matt had classes today, According to him it was a usual day and there isn't a lot to tell. He doesnt go into as much detail as I do. :) We stayed in town for supper since I was going to have coffee with a friend from Hollad College. I had such a nice visit with her and it was nice to catch up and talk about stuff, especially about work and stuff since we are on the same page and can share tips and techniques.

Tomorrow should be another routine day. I don't think that I will have time to write tomorrow, sorry for any dissapointments that will cause, I know you are all eager to hear about my day... hehe. Tomorrow I am going to Jefta's house after work and we are going to get ready for the GEMS tea party together. It should be a lot of fun. We get to wear pretty dresses and I am supposed to wear a hat and gloves... but I don't have that stuff and I have currently run out of time to purchase such unnessecary things. haha. I may remember to take a picture. They always look nice on my blog and are less discouraging for the people who don't love to read.

Well It is way past my bedtime, but I hop eyou all have such a great day, I will email you all on friday... don't give up on me yet. :D I love you all!

Love Amanda


sugarnuggets said...

Hi Amanda, I guess you're allowed to take a day off....(sniff)...I'll be alright.

Hope you have a fun day and visit with Jefta, how neat that you ended up in the same town eh!
I have some gloves here, if you need some...let me know!


Mary and Isaac said...

Sounds like you're getting into a nice routine. I'm unpacking stuff and trying to find room for it all.
Yikes :P
Anyway, Isaac is taking a study break in 20 mins, so I should throw some dinner together.
Love you!
~ Mary

Tineke Aaron and Cassie said...

Hey guys,

Sounds like you are settling into life quite nicely in Fredericton.

Glad also Amanda that you are enjoying you new job at the daycare... I was talking to Peggy and Colleen at the school tonight and I know that you are greatly missed over here . :)

Anyway, take care and I'm sure we'll see you soon.

Luve ya, from us!

The Nieuwhofs said...

Hi there, It sounds like you are really getting into your job. Hope you get that respect that you are looking for. Watch for speeding! You have lots of time to get to work right? Glad to here you guys are teaming up on the housework. Have fun making house.
Looking forward to your next blog. We are taking turns on Dianna's computer. Caleb wants his turn now, so until next time.
Love you guys, DAD.