Saturday, September 29, 2007

Crazy Day!

I am sitting here listening to Rascal Flatts while writing on our blog and Matt is sitting beside me completely engrossed in the IKEA catalogue. He likes all the little features there are in the kitchen sets and right now he is looking at chairs. It is so nice that we share the love for IKEA.
He was reading ym blog as I was writing it and now he isnt loking at it anymore, he is emptying the dehumidifier he didnt say I couldnt post it though.
We went grocery shopping this morning and we got $10 off because it is customer appreciation week. You get it for every $100, so that was really exciting. Our cashier was quite the interesting person, she looked to be in her mid thirties and seemed extremely normal. Colured hair niceish clothes (i mean she works at the super store so the uniform cant really tell a lot) let me give you the dialouge
Amanda:HI, How are you?
Cashier: Great, it looks like I will be having a busy day
A: Looks like I will have an expensive one
C: Yeah I am glad that I dont have to buy groceries
A Oh,
C Yeah by the time the bills are paid I dont have enough money fr food
A: So you dont eat?
C I eat once or twice a week if I am lucky
A oh
C I would rather have all my bills paid and if I have any leftover I will get food, but I usually go to families
A Families?
C yeah, I usually go to my families house for supper
A Oh, thats a great idea, it probably tastes good too.
C yeah, it does. My dad just passed away though so I am just learning how to do things for myself.
A oh
C Your total is $$$ and since it is customer appreciation day you get $10 off.
A Awesome, have a nice day.

It was the most random thing ever, I always get the wierdest joke. And then at the bank I met the neighbour from the daycare. I was like... yeah I walked in your backyard to retrieve a frisbee. So wierd!!! and yet so interesting. I think once the cashier gets on her feet she will be alright, but man oh man tht stirred up a lot of questions like... Did her dad support her all her life? what did she do before? crazy... we should pray for her.
Other than that, my bed sheets are hanging on the line and my apartment is so nice and clean, I was raving about how nice it was and Matt just said.. "it doesnt look that different" maybe it is just because I know that it is clean, Im not sure what it is.
Well Matt and I are off to town and I am hoping he will sit with me and figure out which pictures are going to make it into the picture frame. Tonight we are going to Bible study. I am looking forward to that. We ar e starting a study on Ephesians. It should be interesting. Well I hope you all have a super night and have a nice sunday
Love Amanda


sugarnuggets said...

Yeah, totally random! Interesting though, not often that you meet someone with credit phobia to this extreme!

Ray rarely picks up the "forbidden book" he prefers to hide it so that I don't get engrossed in it!! :):) See?! you were made for each other!!!

Hope you have a nice day in your clean apartment. And it just goes to show that people don't notice anything when it's clean, they just notice it when it's dirty!


Dad and Sharon said...

sounds like an interesting day.How skinny was your cashier? Must have been pretty small only eating a couple of times a week.
Sharon is off to Quebec in the morning for meetings next week, her flight is at 6 so guess it will be an early day. Good job we are close to the airport. Quite day here, not much new. Looking forward to seeing you both next week-end. Hope you both have a great week. Sharon says Hi. Love Dad

rustico3059 said...

I guess working at the grocery store is not a big income job. Sometimes you end up in the strangest situations and you don't know what to say, and you don't want to be judgemental( I hope that is spelled right) I guess we have to be thankful for what we have and that we have food to eat every day. We often take that for granted.
Have a great weekend,
Love MOM

The Nieuwhofs said...

It is quite a society we live in. Some have too much and spend their life worrying about how to hold on to their money. And then others worry about the lack of it, and how to make ends meet.
Did you find something in the IKEA catalogue?
Isn't it amazing how you randomly run into people in the strangest places? Grocerie stores are good for that.
Love, DAD

Mary and Isaac said...

hahah grocery stores are good for that. So is Walmart... Don't forget, you never know why God puts you into those random situations.
I was wondering, do you have the recipe for 5 Hour Stew? I'd love to have it if you do....
Anyway, I hope that you have a good sunday too!
I'm gong to make some tomato soup. I've been craving it for nearly 2 weeks now. Mine's never as good as Dad's but it does the trick of satifying the craving.
Love you!
~ M